Every event is better
with a NightCap
Our remodeled 1957 Shasta Camper, 1969 Shasta Camper, and our Rice Horse Trailer Bars provides a unique experience which all your guests will be talking about! From the diverse bartending backgrounds of all our staff, we offer an exceptional social experience.
Our team collaborates with your event planner, wedding planner, party hosts, brides and/or grooms, to coordinate timing and other details in order to make your event as perfect as possible.
We provide recommendations for custom cocktails, Maine Craft beers, and wines. After the event cocktail menu has been set we work to make sure the correct quantity of supplies are purchased.
Behind the scenes our team removes empty glassware, cleans bar trash, and collects event space returnables to help create a carefree night!
Below are our sample packages. However, we would be happy to customize anything specific to your event!
We will arrive several hours early, place the camper into position, and begin setting up and stocking the camper with all materials needed for the event that will be provided by you. Package starting at $1,000.00
This service includes:
Up to 4 hours of serving time for you and your guests.
We will work with you to create up to 1 signature cocktail for your event.
Help determine the quantity of products to buy.
Up to 2 beers on draft (sixtels)
Non-alcoholic beverage station feat. a whiskey barrel and 3 glass dispensers
Plastic Cups (Various sizes)
Staffing based on event size (not included in package cost)
We will arrive several hours early, place the camper into position, and begin setting up and stocking the camper with all materials needed for the event that will be provided by you. Package starting at $1,200.00
This service includes:
Up to 6 hours of serving time for you and your guests.
We will work with you to create up to 2 signature cocktails for your event.
Help determine the quantity of products to buy.
Up to 2 beers on draft (sixtels).
Non-alcoholic beverage station feat. a whiskey barrel and 3 glass dispensers
Plastic Cups (Various sizes)
Staffing based on event size (not included in package cost)
We will arrive several hours early, place the camper into position, and begin setting up and stocking the camper with all materials needed for the event that will be provided by you. Package starting at $1,300.00
This service includes:
Up to 8 hours** of serving time for you and your guests.
We will work with you to create up to 3 signature cocktails for your event.
Help determine the quantity of products to buy.
Up to 2 beers on draft (sixtels).
Non-alcoholic beverage station feat. a whiskey barrel and 3 glass dispensers
Plastic Cups (Various sizes)
Staffing based on event size (not included in package cost)
**Please note, that most venues have a time limit pertaining to bar services.
📸: ktotophotography
I n i t i a l c o n s u l t a t i o n
V e n d o r r e f e r r a l s
B a s i c e v e n t t i m e l i n e c r e a t i o n
D a y o f C o o r d i n a t i o n
( u p t o 6 h o u r s )
O n s i t e m a n a g e m e n t
T h i s d o e s n ’ t i n c l u d e r e h e a r s a l d i n n e r ,
e x t e n d e d c o o r d i n a t i o n , v e n d o r p a y m e n t
m a n a g e m e n t o r p o s t e v e n t c l e a n u p .
📸: ktotophotography
I n i t i a l c o n s u l t a t i o n
V e n d o r R e f e r r a l ' s & C o o r d i n a t i o n
D e t a i l e d E v e n t T i m e l i n e C r e a t i o n
M i l e s t o n e T r a c k i n g
F u l l V e n d o r M a n a g e m e n t & C o m m u n i c a t i o n
R e h e a r s a l c o o r d i n a t i o n
( 1 h o u r )
D a y o f c o o r d i n a t i o n
( u p t o 1 0 h o u r s )
O n s i t e m a n a g e m e n t
G u e s t A s s i s t a n c e & S u p p o r t
P o s t E v e n t w r a p u p / c l e a n u p
O n s i t e m a n a g e m e n t
Although we are based in Maine, we couldn’t be happier to have the ability to serve anywhere in New England out of our campers or from our satellite bars!
We will provide plastic cups, pour spouts for liquor bottles, ice scoops, clean ice buckets to mix cocktails, bottle openers, wine keys, cutting boards, knives, shakers, strainers, fruit trays, bar towels, and a non-alcoholic beverage station that include a table and 3 glass dispensers.
For your event, you will need to provide spirits, beer (bottled, canned, kegs), wine, mixers (mixers include: sodas, juices), and garnishes. We will provide a detailed list of what to get based on hours of service and guest count!
While we do not provide cocktail tables or linens, but we are more than happy to work with caterers and rental companies to make sure all of the bases are covered!
We offer our clients Al La Carte options to add onto their packages such as wine pour, champagne toast, champagne wall rental (with flutes), welcome drinks, extra staff, ice, etc. Reach out today for a custom package.
Our Founder Joc Caldwell has over 8 years of experience behind a bar and managing a bar in his local city. When he had a dream someday owning his own business The Nightcap Bar Co. was born!
Over the course of his bartending and customer service experience he came up with the idea of owning his own business in the event industry. During the school year as a 1st Grade teacher he knew he wanted to do something fun during the summers he has off. His dream was established in 2018! Here it is.
Augusta, Maine
Let us know a little about yourself and the event you are hosting so that we are able to accommodate your needs. We look forward to working with you! PLEASE CHECK SPAM FOLDERS FOR RESPONSE!!!